Have you ever thought about the moment when creating was created? To create; is to bring something into existence. As creators ourselves; we get to bring different forms of art to life! This all began at the beginning of creation: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Creating was created by the God of the Universe, the ultimate creator who created every form of art. The one who spoke dust into existence and breathed life into humanity (Genesis 2:7). We as creators, created by God, the first and foremost creator – should exemplify God’s glory and character in the various ways we have been gifted. 

photo of person s hand with paint colors
Photo by Rahul Pandit on Pexels.com

But why does it seem that instead of glorifying God, the creator who created us to create, that we glorify ourselves and the gift that God created? A tongue twister in and of itself, but let us ponder this together: Why do we glorify ourselves and the gift of creating, rather than the one who bestowed and created the gift of creating? 

Living life in the fast lane, like most humans, we find ourselves making decisions without second-guessing or considering to ask God. We run until we cannot run anymore. When we find ourselves at the finish line of a season, we wonder why we are exhausted, at our end, and have nothing left to give. Even if we are pursuing what we are called to do and creating abundantly. 

We have all been here before, in a place that we never expected be. If we were called to create and create for a purpose; why would we feel like this? Why do we arrive at this place?

woman girl silhouette jogger
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

We will find ourselves here when we run in vain – or create in vain. We should be “holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain” Philippians (2:16). In this passage, Paul wants us to remember to hold fast to the truth of life; he desires that we recall what we are ultimately called to do. As followers of Christ, we are created to glorify God in all we do, this includes how we create. We are called to create for the glory of God. The creator who created creation and creating! (This is getting repetitive huh?)

My friends, I have no doubt that you are gifted and created for a purpose. No matter the form of art you are pursuing, remember when you started. Recall how far you’ve come. How you create as a Christ-follower, will influence the way that people perceive God. Keep your eyes on God, so that you are not tempted to glorify yourself or your gift, because you have a gift to create, you are bringing something into existence. As creators ourselves, we get to bring different forms of art to life!

May we glorify God who created us to create!

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