I don’t know how you feel about it, but at times, the darkness is really spooky. I personally, even have a hard time watching Netflix or a YouTube video in the evening, if the lights are out. If I try, it gives me the hibbie gibbies. I always turn my lamp on beside my bed. 

The light within the lamp, shreds the darkness surrounding me. 

close up photo ofg light bulb
Photo by Rahul on Pexels.com

The coolest thing about darkness, is that light overtakes it. Darkness never wins, every night as the darkness comes, the light is on the way. The darkness cannot stay. We always know that the morning is coming. 

When Jesus was traveling with the disciples, one of his closest friends died. His name was Lazarus, who we know by Jesus raising him from the dead. Through this miracle, Jesus revealed to his followers that he could defeat death. God had defeated darkness since the beginning of time. 

As creators, we have an opportunity to shred the darkness around us, with the gifts we have been given, to create. The darkness in this world can’t stand a chance, when we flip our lamp on and shine through our unique outlet of creation. The world gets to see a glimpse of Jesus. 

When Lazarus died, Jesus was on mission with his disciples in another town, yet it was when he heard the news of his sickness, that Jesus stayed a few days more. Though when it was time for him to return, as God willed, the disciples protested, telling him that the Jewish oppositions wanted to stone him. “Why did he want to go back in the middle of the day? The middle of the day-light? It would be much more beneficial to go in the night, without risk of being stoned!”

Jesus responded, that the light always wins over the darkness. The darkness has nowhere to hide. Those who walk in the darkness stumble, because there is no light in them. 

“The disciples replied, “Rabbi, the Jewish opposition wants to stone you, but you want to go back?”Jesus answered, “Aren’t there twelve hours in the day? Whoever walks in the day doesn’t stumble because they see the light of the world. But whoever walks in the night does stumble because the light isn’t in them” John 11:8 -10 (CEB).

Once we know our Savior, our creator, personally, we will no longer be comfortable in the darkness. We must shine the light that He has personally given us to shine. A glimpse of Him in this world. 

Just as Christ lit his own light ablaze, without fear of man, so should you. Yet you and I both, have no clue, as to what God could do! You might not get the opportunity to see a friend raise from the dead, yet how about leading someone to salvation in Christ? Seeing a life impacted by your outlet of creation? Sharing your gifts with a stranger? 

Leading the next and current generations and through your light of Christ, can change the trajectory of this dark-filled world. 

Friends, we were created to abide in the light, use our gifts to create with and for our Creator. May we run away from the darkness, and into the marvelous light of Christ. Turn on the lamp beside your bedside tonight, see how the darkness vanishes. 

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Matthew 5:16 (ESV) 
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